"How can I help"
Love From AFAR is organizing an event in observance of Health & Safety Fair for Bereaved Families. Our organization’s mission is empower families during troubled times. The event will be held on September 9, 2023 in partnership Commissioner Larry Johnson.
I am writing this letter to invite you to be a Co-Sponsor or Supporter of this event! As a leader in the community, your involvement with us in National Prevention Week is an opportunity for your organization to receive exposure and to join other individuals, organizations, and coalitions in our community to educate, the community about behavioral health issues, promote prevention efforts, and create and strengthen community partnerships. The theme of Health & Safety Fair 2023 is “Action Today. Healthier Tomorrow.” This theme reminds us that simple, daily acts of prevention, like helping a friend make positive choices or supporting a family member in need, can lead to healthier lives for each of us today, and stronger, happier communities, tomorrow.
In observance of Health & Safety Fair for Bereaved Familes 2023, Love from AFAR will be holding Unity Ride as well. The purpose of this event is to Community Product distribution (Crossword Puzzle Books, Coloring books, pens and crayons.
Community sponsors are the primary source of funding for this event and will help ensure its success. You can provide support in the following ways:
· Be a Co-Sponsor or Event Supporter through a monetary donation. Your company logo will be placed on materials to promote the event.
· Donate Crossword Puzzle Books, Coloring books, pens and crayons
· We need about $5000 to make this event a success
· Volunteer at the event.
· Bereaved Parent & Challenger Awards